For the precise monitoring of pyrolytic boilers, I rely on the tried-and-tested MQTT and SparkplugB protocols. These enable reliable data acquisition and transmission in real time.
With MQTT (Message Queuing Telemetry Transport) as a lightweight, reliable protocol, sensor data can be collected eff...
Together with the company 4E Engineers, a FOSS-architecture was designed and set up to allow for the comprehensive monitoring of any components of a building's technical equipment. Highly flexible edge node gateways collect data from a wide range of protocols, which are then made available for further analysis.
With OMIO I provide a service for secure, fast and easy management of your real-time data. Open source tools are orchestrated for data acquisition, storage and analysis to provide a basis for further analysis tools and algorithms. In addition, an interface for the connection of water monitoring winches has been developed.
Auf Basis des TIG-Stacks wurde mit einer Zeitreihendatenbank (InfluxDB) und der Visualisierung Grafana ein Dashboard für automatisch erfasste Tiefenprofile in Seegewässern konzeptioniert und umgesetzt. Auf diese Weise lassen sich die Datensätze der mittels Monitoringwinden erfassten Tiefenprofile an...